Irene Back After Long Absence


as Sheila
as Sheila

 HOLLYWOOD - Irene Dunne was back before the cameras this week after too long an absence. But it was for TV, not for the movies.

 Miss Dunne was portraying the headmistress of a girls's school in a Screen Gems film for Fors Theater. Before she dashed off to a fitting during her lunch hour, I pinned her down on why she didn't work more often.

 "Well, it's not because I don't want to as rumor had it recently," she replied, "I'm not lazy."

Almost, Not Quite

 "I just haven't found any pictures I wanted to do, I almost did one - 'The Swan.' But I decided it wasn't right for me.

 "I manage to keep very busy. I do a lot of travelling. And I do an occasional TV show like this one to keep my hand in."

 Of course, there's no pressing need for her to work, since she is one of Hollywood's most substantial citizens financially. But her light, refined touch and her mature beauty are sorely missed on the screen.

 Despite her claims that she isn't lazy, Miss Dunne had some comments on working conditions in the movies.

The Early Morn

 "Do you know how early I had to get up this morning?" she asked. "It was 5:30. I had to be here at the studio at 6:30.

 "I really think the studios should consider making films the way they do in Europe - starting at noon and ending at 7:30 or 8 in the evening. That would not only make it easier on the actors, but the crew as well. You could get up at a decent hour and work while you still feel refreshed."

 It is doubtful that the studios will soon be convinced. They feel the factory hours are more efficient, despite the early risings for the glamor girls.

(The Chester Times, March 10, 1956)


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