Actress Receives Degree - Movie actress Irene Dunne Griffin receives the hood designating an honorary Doctor of Laws degree, from Sister Mary Louise, dean of Saint Mary College. The presentation was made Thursday night at commencement excercises. The well-known actress was commencement speaker and was presented with the degree in recognition of her contributions to national, community and religious life.(Times Photo)

Irene Dunne Tells Graduates

'Sell What You Have And Give to the Poor'

Movie actress Irene Dunne Griffin told the graduating classes of the Saint Mary College and Providence Hospital, Kansas City, Mo. to 'sell what you have and give to the poor... and look back on this day with love."

 Sixty-nine Saint Mary seniors and 42 nurses plus a large crowd gathered on the campus at Xavier Thursday night to hear and see her receive an honorary Doctor of Laws degree.

 Sister Mary Louise, dean of the college, and Dr. Arthur Murphy, president, combined to give Mrs. Griffin the degree in recognition of her contributions to national, community and religious life.

 The star of 40 films and nominee five times for the Academy Award last for her role in 'I Remember Mama,' she told the graduates that the commencement excercises were an event that will never be equaled.

 "Today's graduation comprises for years of studying and working. It commits you to everything in this world of ours," Mrs. Griffin said. "Tonight can never be recaptured," she said.

 She added that the four years in college "have made a big difference in you." "This puts you all on the threshold of womanhood. Everything your parents and this college can give you is now yours. You are as intelligent as you ever will be," Mrs. Griffin said.

 "With all of this, I urge you to sell what you have and give to the poor," the actress said.

 "You have a college education, wisdom and the gifts of the Holy Gospel. You are the world's best hope," she said.

 The star defined the "poor" as "everyone." She said, "There is no one without the need for your gifts."

 "Why is the world poor?" asked Mrs. Griffin. "Because the world wastes all the good things in life," she answered.

 "With your liberal college education, you will be expected to be supernatural in your efforts to serve the poor. Go into this world to comfort, not to be comforted. This you must always do," she added.

 Mrs. Griffin holds the title of Lady of the Holy Sepulchre, a dignity conferred on laywomen of the Catholic Church by the Pope for unusual contributions to the life of the church.

 A reception was held for Mrs. Griffin following the program. She left Leavenworth early today for New York.


(The Leavenworth Times, Friday May 29, 1964)


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