Irene Dunne Suddenly Hits Hollywood as "Glamorous"

The men who make the movies have decreed that Irene Dunne, above, should become glamorous, presto! ... just like that!


Nea Service Writer


Hollywood, June 11 - Get ready for a glamorous Irene Dunne.

 Yes, this is the latest turn of affairs in Hollywood. As a result, your're are going to hear a lot about the glamorous side of Miss Dunne. For 18 months this actress has been engaged in making motion pictures. Now, all of a sudden, someone has decided that she is glamorous.

 And word has been passed around to that effect. In fact, things have gotten to the point where one writer went to Miss Dunne's home a short time ago and said, "Prove to me that you're glamorous."

 It probably was right on the tip of Irene's tongue to say, "Aw, nerts!" But she didn't. She politely suggested that they change the subject to something else. Still there are persons who like to be film stars.

 I haven't yet been able to find who is responsible for making this great discovery about Irene. But I would gladly fight a duel with the felllow any cloudy morning at sunrise.

                                                    * * *

 Irene Dunne is not glamorous - if you want to accept Mr. Webster's interpretation of that word as being something enchanting. And if she must be classified, "Intriguing" would be a much better word.

 She does possess that quality. Although it isn't revealed on the screen, when you meet the girl in real life you have a feeling that she is hiding something. Always she appears honest and pleasant.

 Yet you can't get away from the feeling that there is a hidden side to her - an entirely different Irene, whom nobody yet has been able to discover. Such a girl can't help being intriguing. 

 Outwardly, Miss Dunne is more or less the average film star. She's married, and happily, although she is unable to spend much time with her husband since his business keeps him in New York and her business keeps her here.

 She lives rather quietly with her mother in an average Beverly Hills home - but has neighbors who make more than the average amount of noise. And golf is her principal form of recreation, due partially to the fact that she hopes some day to make another hole-in-one.


(Cumberland Sunday Times, June 12, 1932)


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