05.05.1940 - at the Derby in Louisville, Kentucky


Irene - pictured in company of some Louisville notables - was in her old hometown for the world premiere of "My Favorite Wife" (05.02.1940) and to visit the Kentucky Derby.

Miss Dunne's contribution on the day of the Derby led to this hopeful press release: "Everybody ist preparing to go out and warble "My Kentucky Home" and generally get very sentimental, but nobody seems to think it will be much of a horse race. Incidentally, the pre-race singing promises not to be so off-key as usual for Irene Dunne, the movie star has come home after all these years to sing the first verse from the governor's box and give the horse players the right pitch." (Evening Times, Cumberland, 05.03.1940)

I found a description of Irene's "Kentucky Derby outfit": a "grayish beige silk dress with calla lilly neckline, red hat and red veiling... and a mink coat", not to forget "the red suede gloves" and "enourmous ear clips". And of course - did you expect anything else? - the result looked "handsome". (The Helena Daily Independent, 05.06.1940)

The wining Thourougbred of the day was "Gallahadion" and here is further information on this traditional horse race.



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