That's a clipping from a cookbook which featured favorite recipes of movie stars. Irene was represented with her chicken broth.


You need:

2,5 pounds chicken

   1 gallon water

   2 teaspoons salt

   4 stalks celery

   1 leek

   2 onions

   1 carrot

   1 cup noodles

Black peper

Few grains nutmeg


 Simmer chicken in salted water 1 hour, then add noodles, celery, leek, carrot and onions cut into pieces, and continue cooking until tender. Take chicken from kettle, remove skin, bones and gristle, put meat back in broth, heat and strain into a tureen adding nutmeg and freshly ground peper to taste.

Miss Dunne says:"Please do not omit the nutmeg in this recipe. It is just the touch of flavoring which adds zest to the broth. And the leek, too, is an essential ingredient." (Thanks to Christina for this clipping!)


...and that's Irene tasting the result!


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